Andreas Valentin Wadskjær
Andreas Valentin Wadskjær is a writer, an archaeologist, adventurer and a publisher. He has recently published the children's book Oliver in the Hunter Stone Age (både i en dansk og færøsk udgave hos Wadskjær Forlag. Derudover har han oversat bøgerne: Lina gets a mango, Bogen om dig og mig, Que Pasa-kogebogen samt Skældyrsjægerne.
He finished his Master Degree in prehistoric archaeology at University of Copenhagen in 2018 and has worked as an archaeologist at several Danish cultural history museums, as for example The National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen Museum, Museum Sydøstdanmark etc
Siden 2014 har han været tilknyttet forskellige internationale arkæologiske projekter i Peru i samarbejde med det danske Nationalmuseum, hvor han har udgravet pyramider med mumier og skjulte ruinbyer i junglen. De seneste år har han været arkæologisk projektleder på “The Forgotten Amazon – an archaeological research project“. In addition to South American archeology, his research includes especially older and younger Stone Age as well as flint in other of the ancient periods. This knowledge combined with many years of work as an kindergarten teacher inspired him to write the children's book series Oliver in the Antiquity. The first volume, Oliver in the Hunter Stone Age, is about the boy Oliver, who by coincidence ends up in the Stone Age, where he learns about settlement life among the hunter-gatherers. The book was first published by Forlaget Brændpunkt in 2020, but Wadskjær Forlag has meanwhile taken over the rights.
Earlier publications: The academic book Neolitiske tværpile – en misforstået fundkategori, Wadskjær Publishing 2019.

Selected Articles
- Wadskjær, A. V. 2020: En skoflikkers værksted på Kronprinsensgade. Middelalderarkæologisk Nyhedsbrev nr. 102.
- Wadskjær, A. V. 2020: Hvor er flækkeseglene fra yngre bronzealder? Værdien af arkæologien – 21 arkæologiske essays. SAXO-instituttet, Københavns Universitet.
- Wadskjær, A. V. 2019: Danske arkæologer i inkaernes land. Fund og Fortid nr. 2, 2019. SDA.
- Wadskjær, A. V. 2018: Neolithic Transverse Arrowheads – A Great Misunderstanding. Danish Journal of Archaeology, vol. 7, 2018 – issue Taylor & Francis.
- Wadskjær, A. V. & A. Cordes 2020: Niverød Teglværk – a coastal site from the Ertebølle culture. Mesolithic Miscellany 28,2.
- Wadskjær, A. V. & G. L. Hjortlund 2020: Megalithic structures in the Valley of Posic, Amazonas, northern Peru. I: Gebauer, A. B., L. Sørensen, A. Teather & A. de Valera (eds.) 2020: Monumentalizing life in the Neolithic: Narratives of continuity and change. Oxbow Books. 151-160.
- Wadskjær, A. V. & J. H. Nederby 2020: Skiveskrabere fra Hyldtofte Fæland II- Muligheder i Morfologi som Supplement til Mikroskopisk Slidsporsanalyse. Gefjon 5. in press.
- Wadskjær, A. V., G. L. Hjortlund, E. D. Forster & P. Nystad 2019: Jungle-arkæologi – Udfordringer ved digital udgravning i Amazonas, Peru. Arkæologisk Forum nr. 40.