Line Rosenberg Schmidt

Line Rosenberg Schmidt (b. 1975) is the author of the book Hvor Flygter Man Hen, Når Man Vil Væk Fra Sig Selv? The book is her debut, and is a biographical self-help book.

In this book, Line Rosenberg Schmidt tells her personal story of living a life with anxiety and depression. It is a courageous and vulnerable insight into the painful state one is put in as a mentally ill person.

Line has written the book she herself was missing when she was admitted with a depression for the first time nine years ago. There are many shelf meters of books on depression, written by psychologists and psychiatrists. But there are not many stories of what it feels like to be the one who is ill, hospitalized and has lost all hope. And which at the same time tells that even after being completely in the dark several times, one can get up again and have a good life, filled with joy of life and courage. That vulnerable and strong are not opposites, but can be accommodated in the same human being.

Depression & Anxiety

I want to be the fellow traveler through the darkness that I myself lacked. It is so important for the hope to have someone to reflect in. That there is someone who has walked in the same shoes and can sincerely tell that life is worth life, despite illness. I would like to pass on that message. We talk far too little about mental illness, in relation to how many are affected.

Line Rosenberg Schmidt has felt mentally vulnerable throughout her life. Since 2012, she has lived a life of recurring depression and anxiety. She has therefore gathered a good knowledge of how to help oeself move on. For many years she has come to know the inside of life as a mentally ill person and has experienced many of the prejudices and misunderstandings that come with it.

Line's heart child is therefore to be a contributing force to create the change that in the long run would like to break the taboo and end the stigma of mental illness. She does this by being very open about herself and now also with the publication of her debut book which she hopes can lead more projects with her along the way.

Privately, she is married to her husband, with whom she has been together for 30 years and together they have two sons. In her spare time she is an active winter swimmer and hiker.

Hvor flygter man hen når man vil væk fra sig selv line schmidt wadskjær forlag depression angst
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