Atlantiske bopladsfund fra Nordøstsjælland og Skåne – Dateringsproblemer

(1 customer review)

kr. 200,00

Hardcover | Danish
By: Peter Vang Petersen

It might be the most quoted unpublished work in Danish archaeology: "Atlantiske bopladsfund fra Nordøstsjælland og Skåne – Dateringsproblemer" by Peter Vang Petersen, curator at The National Museum of Denmark.

In 1979, Peter Vang Petersen submitted the work to the University of Copenhagen in connection with his dissertation. Since then, it has often been used by students as well as graduate archaeologists. The thesis was never published, and thus not the background and method of all his groundbreaking results - Before now! If you want to grasp the deeper meaning of the artefact material used in his typology, then this is the work you must resort to.

This dissertation deals with the available records and finds from 21 settlement finds from Northeast Zealand and Scania, and the dating problems associated with this archaeologically complicated find.

For the classification of the material, a typology has been developed that places particular emphasis on technical aspects of the manufacturing process. A number of well-known function types are thus divided into new techno types or morphotype types. These turn out to occur within a narrow time frame. Thus, arrowheads of flint from Atlantic settlements are just as chronologically significant as e.g. the microliths. Arrowheads must also in Atlantic times be considered the best ground for an archaeological dating of settlement finds.

Order Atlantiske bopladsfund fra Nordøstsjælland og Skåne – Dateringsproblemer with Neolithic Arrowheads - a misunderstood find category af Andreas Valentin Wadskjær og spar penge.


Fund & Fortid af Benny Staal: “considers classification, stratification, settlement analysis and some of the problems of the time regarding dating methods…”

Bogen omtales i flere artikler om Wadskjær Forlagets opstart og milepæle. Det gælder Startup Magazine, som skrev en flot artikel om forlagets unge forlægger og udgivelse nr. 50. 17. april 2024 rundede forlaget allerede titel nr. 100. Denne milepæl blev omtalt i både Sjællandske nyheder and bizz up.

Weight0,8 kg
Dimensions24 × 17 × 1 cm

Peter Vang Petersen

Publishing House

Wadskjær Publishing







Publication date

1. juni 2022





1 review for Atlantiske bopladsfund fra Nordøstsjælland og Skåne – Dateringsproblemer

  1. Fund & Fortid, Benny Staal (verified owner)

    behandler klassifikation, stratifikation, bopladsanalyse og der samles nogle af tidens problemer ved dateringsmetoder…

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