Ólavur er farin útferð í viðarlundina Áarmýruna saman við barnagarðinum, tá hann brádliga dettur útí. Ein stórur maður í skinnklæðum, við stórum skeggi, bjargar honum til alla lukku. Ólavur er á ein løgnan hátt endaður í veiðisteinøldini. Nú skal hann læra at bera seg í einari legu fyri 6000 árum síðani.
Ólavur í Veiðisteinøldin er fyrsta bókin í røðini um Ólav í fornøldini. Bókin kann læra børn um gamlar tíðir og mentanir á ein stuttligan hátt.
Andreas Valentin Wadskjær, f. 1991, cand. mag. í forsøguligari fornfrøði úr universitetinum í Keypmannahavn.
The book has received a lecturer opinion from Danish Library Center, who among other things writes: “A small book that nicely communicates factual knowledge about life in the Stone Age.”
Bogen omtaltes i et langt interview til Radio24Syv’s program, Spejlet. Hør hele afsnittet here.
Kig ind i bogens verden: “Forfatteren er i sync med sin fem-årige hovedperson, og der bliver ikke talt ned til de yngste læsere…" Read the entire review here.
Rejsen i Litteraturen: “The beauty of the book is that its knowledge is unfolded through Oliver's 5-year-old eyes and mind, whereby he asks questions about his surroundings, and learns about the Stone Age at a child-friendly level. Among other things, he learns about the Stone Age people's way of living, as well as how they dress and cook. In addition, Oliver learns how to chop flint, produce axes and use nature as a toilet " Read the entire review here.
Bøger.org: “A children's book that can arouse the interest of all of us and perhaps most importantly the children's interest in the history of our ancestors." Read the entire review here.
Danish Library Center (verified owner) –
En lille bog, som fint formidler faktuel viden om livet i stenalderen.
Kig ind i bogens verden (verified owner) –
Forfatteren er i sync med sin fem-årige hovedperson, og der bliver ikke talt ned til de yngste læsere…
Æseløre (verified owner) –
Andreas Valentin Wadskjær, som er cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi, benytter sig af det klassiske greb og sender en nutidsdreng tilbage til fortiden. Hans ærinde er at fortælle om livet dengang set gennem Olivers øjne. Det lykkedes ret godt. Historien er lærerig, men også Olivers tidsrejse er spændende. Læseren kan være bekymret for, om han nogensinde kommer hjem igen.
Bøger.org (verified owner) –
A children's book that can arouse the interest of all of us and perhaps most importantly the children's interest in the history of our ancestors.
Rejsen i Litteraturen (verified owner) –
The beauty of the book is that its knowledge is unfolded through Oliver's 5-year-old eyes and mind, whereby he asks questions about his surroundings, and learns about the Stone Age at a child-friendly level. Among other things, he learns about the Stone Age people's way of living, as well as how they dress and cook. In addition, Oliver learns how to chop flint, produce axes and use nature as a toilet